Our process

Step 1

Check out the candidate selection board

Step 2

Choose the candidate(s) you wish to interview. Fill out the form to request interviews. Provide availability for interview(s).

Step 3

PM Solutions will coordinate your interview with the candidate(s) you choose.

Step 4

Decide if you would like to move forward with the candidate(s).

Step 5

Handover meeting, where you have the opportunity to give the candidate the good news.

Step 6

Decide how you will move forward with the accounting options. -Accounting service -HR Mexico -Other solution

Step 7

Payment for placement service is made.

Step 8

The candidate information and interview documents are sent to you for you.


Remote Assistant Placement Service



We Are Here To Help You With Any Questions You May Have

At Pm Solutions Pro we use and recommend Wise.  

The payment for service should be paid in Mexican Pesos per month based on hours of service provided within a calendar month.


The first month’s pay rate is prorated based on the agreed after-tax amount; this is the formula we use to calculate this payment:

(Number of days in month – (Start Date – 1)) / Number of days in month * Monthly Salary = Prorated Amount

Example: If someones first day is on the 8th of a 30 day month this would be the formula: (30-(8-1))/30*11,000= 8,433.33

At Pm Solutions Pro we use and recommend Wise.  

The payment for service should be paid in Mexican Pesos per month based on hours of service provided within a calendar month.


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